Not Over Yet

For the third time, afraid I had to give priority to filming - for the last day of our church's Big Weekend.  Today was the Fun Day. As well as the marquee, filled with activities for the smaller kids, the field was full of inflatables for the older ones, plus live music from a stage, tug-of-war, donkey rides, ice-cream and hot dog vans, and family groups all sitting round eating picnics. Apparently, 1066 paying guests, plus many others who just came for the service.

The atmosphere was amazing. So was the weather - three bouts of fairly heavy rain (when everyone rushed to the marquee) interspersed with brilliant sunshine. One minute I was sweltering in a sleeveless T-shirt; the next I was freezing in a cardigan.

We finished off with a short meeting in the marquee - absolutely packed out and the band led us in some rousing singing. While I was filming that, M suddenly signalled to me that there was a rainbow outside - I raced out to film it. Then, as it was fading, remembered to take a photo with my camera for blip - here you have it. 

Would say, a perfect end to a perfect day, except that as I write, the men are outside barbecuing rump steaks and prawns for a birthday meal for M, 61 tomorrow. Not to mention a Rèserve de Pierre Merlot from Naked Wines...

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