
By MistyMoo

Well dressing

We headed over to Buxton this afternoon, not realising that this weekend was their well dressing festival. Lots of fantastic works of art, made from flower petals and other natural materials. And last night youngest had a friend over for their first ever sleepover! Somehow they managed to stay awake until 12.45 am, then were up this morning at 8 am zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

"Well dressing in Derbyshire and other nearby counties has been around since at least the 17th century. It is believed to have developed from a pagan custom of making sacrifice to the gods of wells and springs to ensure a continued supply of fresh water. It was later adopted by the Christian Church as a way of giving thanks to God for His gift to us of water. Tradition has it that it took on a special significance in 17th century Derbyshire as various villages gave thanks for their deliverance from the Plague which had decimated the nearby village of Eyam."

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