'Skinny Water'...

....is what this drink is called! Asha was delighted with all the strawberries she got to eat! Felt annoyed that I didn't think to photograph it when they brought it over...it was the size of a BIG jam jar, filled with oranges, strawberries & mint...and obviously water... Tasty.

A day of getting jobs done, then over to San An on the sweltering bus...we came early to miss the sunset rush...hence having a 'skinny water' in this café.

Now waiting for Danny to come back - exciting!
Also, got Asha's school meeting tomorrow at 8,55 am our time... We'll see what they have to say... We're going to push for option 1, and if we can't get it, trust that home-schooling is right for this year...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha being so tactile (like all kids I suppose)....I love it when she lounges over me, I love how relaxed she can be physically. Makes me feel close!
2) A washing up-free kitchen.
3) The incredible variety of people we have at our Sunday Service (church)...all walks of life, nationalities, reasons for being there. Excellent.

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