
By TBay

Between showers.

We arrived back from the wedding at mid day. As we drove in we saw the man who was due to bale the hay checking it. We sold grass to a nearby farmer who decided to make hay, but alas the weather is really not helping. Today it looked as if we may get it baked but no, the rains arrived and put pay to that yet again.

I managed to catch this deliciously fat furry bee between showers.

Farming - Rusty went to turn hay and then half an hour later retuned as the rain stopped that. No hay bales either :-(

For me it was time to finish the wedding invitations and I did . Hoorah!! On to the next job now.

Still very behind with my commenting. I WILL catch up ! Tomorrow I may get the chance.

Hope you wonderful blippers had a great weekend.

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