
By snailspace

Monday Outlook 6/7/15

Summer has arrived. We did see the sun. Now we have the Haar that tends to follow a spell of good weather. Not too closed in this morning when I put the bins out, but definitely less than an exceptional day.  I am just thankful that it is not cold and windy.

This afternoon the mist has cleared, mostly. I have been out in my caravan at lomg last and have done an hour's spinning. I am currently being galvanised by the proximity of Show Day (31st July) and must needs get a skate on! It is warm enough to sit with the door open and I am watching the butterflies pass by and listening to the grass cutting in the field across the way - Debussy on the music system in the background. Life feels good.

Currently indoors for coffee but I think I shall go out again soon and finish off my bobbin. Then I might sort out some fibre for my second pair of skeins - we are allowed to enter two pairs. That's a heck of  a lot of spinning that I have facing me!

The extra pic is a completed bobbin of singles of my number 3 roving - I am making a tri-coloured three-ply Aran weight yarn - the same yarn that I have been making (and entering in the Show) for the past several years. The bobbin is sitting on all that remains of the number 1 roving. I can now actually believe in and end to this spinning project... it will soon be done and then I can play with some colour.

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