
By Angelique


I believe this is a Red Admiral, and I'm sure you will tell me if it isn't.

Whenever we sit in the garden, it appears and always sits on the fence of the picnic table.  Most strange.

A mixed bag of weather today.  Very windy and much cooler.  I didn't mind as I was working inside anyway.  Mr A had the horrible job of defrosting the freezer cabinet and he was ashamed that it had got so bad.  At least now it shouldn't use so much electricity.

Took Phoebe to the new vets today as she was upset in the night with a sore ear.  £78 lighter she now has an ear cleanser and drops.  I think it is the sand as she keeps rolling in it.  So as you can imagine, I am not flavour of the month.

Glad that's another Monday over.  We now seem to have electricity  that works after having numerous failings and our electrician behaving like Poirot eliminating different possibilities!!  I was getting to the point of not wanting to try another gadget or switch.

Thankyou for the kind comments on Phoebe's paddling and hoping that Monday has been kind to you all.  xxx

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