horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

And for my next trick...

Last night of the latest taiko class, so we were performing for family and friends (not that any of mine ever come along, but it's fun to perform - George, who usually is on the class, was going to come and we were going to grab something to eat beforehand, but he was struck down with a migraine earlier in the day, and ponding heads and drums don't really mix).

Anyway, best sharing night in ages, I wound up playing 7 times, which is something of a record for me, and for the most part it worked out well. Really looking forward to the next course, which is learning a piece I've wanted to do for absolutely ages. Got to wait till September though to get the Fringe out of the way, when any venues like this (and you can see our rather grand surroundings in the extra pic) get taken over.

In the meantime some drumming groups will actually be at the Fringe, so we might be planning a little class field trip. Which may also include alcohol. Possibly.

Nice moment riding home too (I'm properly knackered now). Downhill in the murk, spot a fox crossing the road ahead. Far enough not to be a concern. May 50m further on and there's a young one crossing, slight limp but not too bad, however enough to slow it down. There's a car catching me (I'm doing about 25, and pretty sure he's only doing about 30). I hold out a hand to get him to hold back, because I think I might catch up with the wee kit, so figure if he goes past me he definitely will.
As it happens the kit picks up the pace, goes into a driveway. I give the driver the thumbs up, and just in case he didn't see why I was indicating I point down the driveway as I pass so he can look and see the kit who is still there.
Get stopped at the next lights and I give the driver a wave of thanks, and he gives me a wave back.
People treating foxes well, having respect for them, and drivers and cyclists getting on, the Daily Mail's worst nightmare.

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