Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Summer Rain

Another busy day today.  We found a leak in the fresh water tank in our trailer.  Luckily it's a slow one and it's probably along a bottom seam but everything in the storage area got  a little wet.  We had to take everything out and dry it all which wasn't easy because it's been raining all day.  Now we have drained the tank and will try to caulk it in the morning and then fill it just before we leave on Wednesday.  We will put all our chairs and stuff that was in there inside the trailer for the trip to the campground and hope for the best.  Worst case would be no running water and that wouldn't be so bad.  There is water at the campground but no hook ups so we'll bring empty containers to use if necessary.  It's always something!  
Anyway, I was uninspired today and took some quick shots of the raindrops on flowers and leaves.  My daughter chose this one because she said it reminded her of Seymour in Little Shop of Horrors.
Starting tonight, I'm just going to be looking at journals and sprinkling stars and hearts without comments.  I hate to do that but it's late and I know tomorrow will probably be worse timewise.  So, please bear with me until I get back next week.  :-)

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