Saltspring pictures

By Ernie

Velo Village

June 21st to 23rd, Saltspring vill host a big event called Velo Village.

It is called a celebration for rural cycling. Bikers from all over the country are invited to come to what is branded bicycle heaven-on-earth - the most welcoming place on this planet to be riding your bike. To be true, this is wishful thinking. It is horrible to bike on Saltspring. Lots of steep hills, and narrow roads with heavy traffic and limited sight. Practically no reserved bike lanes. From time to time we have severe accidents, were a biker is injured or nearly killed.

But those behind the event are intent to create a good environment for bikers here on the island, and hope is that the event will bring this intent into public focus.

It is all about money, of course. We need reserved lanes for bikes and pedestrians. A new mile or so is created every year, depending on available funds. In the long run I hope it will be reasonably safe to use your bike on Saltspring. The steep hills are another matter. They will improve the bikers health and fitness, that is for sure.

Velo Village is promoted by the local merchants. Some of them by setting up signs like this, a fancily painted bike up in the air.

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