
She absolutely adores the lavender outside our house. She says its her favourite flower and goes to (carefully) see the bees that are always there every day! 

She had a great time at a Musical Theatre dance course this morning, she loved it. I picked her up and got such huge cuddles from her. We went straight to piano. She had an absolutely brilliant lesson. She concentrated so hard and was such a good girl. She said to her teacher how much she loves her lessons and could she come every day. Her teacher played her trombone for her today and Katie thought it was hilarious. 

This afternoon I had two sessions. She played and ate happily during the first one. The second, she helped a little and loved seeing the baby. We had a snuggly end to the day - she was fast asleep in bed before 6pm after an evening out visiting friends, dancing in tutus and playing with the hot tub on her sleepover last night! 

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