
By AlexDarke

Sports Day

Poor little Grumps. She really didn't enjoy her schools sports day. I was initially bugged that on such a beautifully warm and sunny day, Sinead thought it was a good idea to have long jogging bottoms and school shoes for her to do it in. The only girl in the school. Poor poor thing. Then she was getting upset and the more speed orientated races, until she had her moment in the sun! The race of balancing a beanbag on your head and going through a hoop!!! The race designed for more skill than speed. She won and it perked her up no end and she enjoyed the rest of it, thankfully. Zoe and Milo came too, and we went back to theres to do an eye-opening tax return before playing in the garden, before picking the girls up from school for more play. 

A really fun, happy day and was great seeing Gracie finally enjoy herself and spending lots of quality time with my nephew. Shame about the tax-return lump sum...

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