
A free day today as is usually the case when the clients reach Courmayer.
As ever for me I'd rather keep moving - so a walk is called for - and when I'm in the Val Ferret that can only mean a trip to the Bonatti Refugio for a fantastic coffee, foc for guides, and to soak in the ambience and homage to the great man himself.

I've never been one for heroes - but if anyone has come close it would be Walter Bonatti - not just the greatest mountaineer or rock climber ever to have lived but also a philosopher, writer and by every modern account a generally excellent fellow, & therein lies the rub - for Bonatti wasn't just unappreciated in his home nation when his achievements were at their peak, for many years he was vilified in Italy, based on the lies of embarrassed and jealous (but more connected) peers, whilst hailed everywhere else with the French even awarding him the Legion d'Honor. It took 53 years for Bonatti's name to be 'cleared' in Italy - and with that reappraisal and recognition came a tidal wave of belated admiration - cumilating in the finest of all the Italian refugio's - a place dedicated to the memory of one mans achievements and love of the mountains - a place every climber and mountaineer should visit.

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