End of the Peloton

Our vision of a couple of hundred cyclists sweeping down the hill onto the promenade was a bit over the top. In the event there were about twenty wheelers taking part in today's stage from Blackpool to Ulverston keeping as close to Morecambe Bay as possible.

Half an hour before they arrived four nicely painted support cars and a white van had drawn up by the pier. A team of energetic young people quickly erected a gazebo and tables and produced boxes of sandwiches and flasks of coffee.

This is a new event going round the coast of Britain in 64 days at about 60 miles each day. The maximum number of riders each day is 250. It will take time for word to get around and for the event to become established. Those who did arrive today looked very happy.

The extra shows that Arnside knows how to welcome cyclists.

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