Big Day!

We decided to go with the curve ball school...(have added the paperwork into my 'extras' for posterity!)...After a morning of talking and praying, we both felt peaceful that this could be good. Lovely to see the guys in the office again, after all I'd heard in the run up to this process, I was expecting dragons! But no....lovely people instead!

A mini celebration in THE café with Marco SH and the guys there. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) How long this process has been...if I'd have known a few months ago, of the decision we've made, I'd have been terrified! But after months of praying, thinking, musing, chatting, I think we've worked out what Asha needs and how she can get that. This whole thing has been so alien, not just because it's our first time with our only child, but because it's a totally different system, in a different language and a different culture! A school IS different here from the UK, so it's felt BIG to us!
2) The guys at the café - they really are wonderful.
3) Marcos willingness to spend time with us - any time we text him, he immediately responds positively!

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