Robin at large

By Robin

Visit to Houston

Today I visited Houston for the first time, and went to the Fox and Hounds, a well known Houston watering hole. On going in I noticed there were a couple of vans parked there belonging to the Houston Brewing Company. So it turns out the Fox and Hounds in Houston is also host to a small micro brewery.

Obviously I could not but try the local brew. There were three varieties to choose from, and they let me taste a couple before deciding which one to commit myself to. After such a gentile welcome from my host, it was the least we could do but to buy a few bottles to take away and sample at leisure.

Earlier in the day we decided to visit the transport museum. We failed to find it at first, but having asked a tourist bus directions, he informed us he was heading there himself, so we could just follow him. Which I did, remembering on one occasion to stay out of the bus lane.

Obviously Houston is in Renfrewshire, Scotland, and not in Texas.

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