Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Time for a spot of tea

Another one of the floral trail.

I managed it I did go swimming in my lunch break and I managed 20 length so I am proud of myself. I've not been swimming in over a year and the pool local to me is only 20m whereas the pool today was 25, those 5m makes all the difference.

I do however wish I had put my nose clip on, of all the things to feel self conscious about and its that but I am now feeling rather poorly, don't think I had enough antihistamine in my system as I'm all snuffly and have a headache cause yes chlorine does seem to be one of my many allergies/intolerances *sigh* also couldn't get the ear plugs to sit right so I also have a bit of earache (which could have been way worse if I'd left them in bag).

I came home to a nice neat and lovely smelling spaniel - yes he finally had the long promised trip to the groomers, no more mummy cut and he looks very handsome.

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