
By Daystarimages


Why do people put up fences?

There are several reasons to put up a fence, one is to keep things in and another is to keep things out. When I had a vegetable garden in the States, I had to put up a wire fence to keep the local wild animals, including rabbits from eating the produce of the garden before I had a chance to even look at it. Another fence I put up was to keep my horses from grazing in my neighbors lawn and property.

The same goes for locked doors, they only keep the honest person honest. If the thief wants in, he will find a way to get in. I used to work as security on a property in Jerusalem and know all the tricks that are used and have seen plenty of them used.

In the case of this picture, there are many fences because there are some terrorists who live on the other side of these fences. I do have to say, that not all who live on the other side are terrorists but just want to live a quiet life.

I find it very sad that because of a few, the whole suffers.

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