
By samsticks

Hot Pot Dips

We went to Victoria Market Night market after work tonight (I met Gina, Sue and Miles there).

A great vibe, and it was completely rammed by the time we left at 7:30. I spent a fair bit of time standing in a queue to get food though, which was a little annoying.

There was a 'wheel of fortune' thing near the stage, and the presenter was calling people up to have a turn based on their crazy dancing. Miles, in front row, gave it everything he had with every try, and kept on asking us "is it my turn yet?" when someone else got called up. He was trying so hard, bless him.

Thankfully, after Gina and I swapping spots so I could give the presenter some direct eye contact whilst throwing Miles up in the air and dancing around with him, he finally got picked and ran straight up to the wheel. No fear that boy!

With a little spinning help from Dad, he actually won some smoked ribs, which was on a business card from the stall that served them. By this time it really was time to go, so Miles kindly donated his win to someone else that was already waiting, and I managed to grab another business card from the till so that Miles still had 'his winnings'.

I'll put a few extra shots up tonight - so that you can see the atmosphere of the Vic markets.... and I'll also include the horrible "Zombie Possum" that I came across in the park tonight. I've got no idea which lab he escaped from, but he had no fear and kept charging me as I tried to get a shot of him!

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