Exit stage left

By NessD


Yet again I forgot about blip. 

For those who are not au fait with anatomy, the above is a picture of a fractured clavicle (collarbone). The annoying bit of red that a graphic designer has chosen to add to the photo is one frustration. You could argue that they're just highlighting the issue but research strongly suggests that over dramatising images like that impacts negatively on patient's pain and recovery. What's more embarrassing was that this accompanied an article about a randomised control trial of proximal humerus fractures. In the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy's magazine! Much mocking on FB ensued. I can only hope the editor is not a physio but even so.

Rather more worryingly, I received another registered letter from the notaire in France with a copy of the compromis de vente and notice of a 7-day notice period. An exact copy of the letter and document we received in April which was slightly worrying as another 7 day cooling off period would take us almost to the signing date. It turns out the notaire hadn't received the notification from the Post Office that we'd signed for the documents and had only now thought to do something about it. K's letter must still be in the post.


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