When it changed hands little more than three months ago, the shopping precinct at the Hampshire town of Totton looked set for a make-over,  and judging by its appearance in the July sunshine today, new life is already being breathed into the area.
The centre changed hands in March under a near £5 million property deal and new owners, Evolve Estates are on record as wanting to create a local neighbourhood centre that regulars like me will welcome.
Plans afoot could see the 50 year old centre refurbished, landscaping improved and the possibility of three additional shops being added.
It forms a busy thoroughfare linking the town’s main car parks with the central area and townspeople will welcome any steps that boosts its popularity.

Today, the omens looked good with each of the shop units in business, passers by relaxing at outdoor tables at each of the coffee shops, and a constant buzz of people passing through from or to the central area. Oh yes. And the sun was shining!

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