A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife

Tasty snack

My friend J. and I have a saying: everything is a phase. I'd like to add to it: everything is a phase, but babies are pretty good at throwing curve balls. So today, Olivier decided to do something he's never done. He is a quick napper: on a good day, I get 45 minutes, an hour top. More often than not, it's 30-45 minutes, thought it seems to be lengthening. Today, he napped like a "normal" baby: 2 1/2 hours in the morning, 1 1/2 hour in the afternoon. I was so confused and worried, I kept calling my mom to be sure it wasn't a sign of illness. 

Oh, and please admire the form, here: he is "eating" a rock with his little fingers up, because why not! 

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