We Did It!

With the wonderful support of all our friends, we participated in our very first competition ever and managed to make ourselves, and hopefully some more people, proud! Yay!!!

The competition itself was in Freestyle class I-III and Heelwork to music I-III. I is the first official class and III is elite. Only today, after watching this, has mum understood the fairly complex difference between FS and HTM. Both are about a dog and a handler performing a routine to music.

For super newbies, like us, they had an unofficial "treat" class, with no rules about content or length and where treats and toys were allowed during the routine. No points were given, but two judges watched and gave constructive feedback.

I only got there half an hour before we performed. We got a time slot, went for a quick walk, got Hedwig out, mum put on her Gryffindor shirt - and then we were on! It was like we were in a bubble, our music started and it was just me and mum, doing what we have done so many times...and there were cheese treats! I enjoyed it!

The judge said it was a nice routine that we should continue working on, and that it was good enough to compete with in the first official class! She liked the theme and Hedwig and everything. And then a couple of details that we could do better. Mum was super happy and relieved! We then watched the main competition and learned loads.

I didn't get a prize rosette because no ones were awarded in our class. Mum has, however, declared that I did Something Spectacular! which is what is required to earn a Happy Meal, which I devoured happily. My very favourite candy, marshmallow Santa's, miraculously waited for me at home thanks to altopiano! And I got an elk hide chew. What a day!

Thank you all our blip friends for your love and support!
A very special thank you to Emmy and the Hazyland boys! You're the best!

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