
By cowgirl


An early morning dash into Burton with Sav to put a cheque into our account was followed by a trip to Uttoxeter with Joy to have a look around an equine and country store, but it was a bit expensive for us. So we took ourselves off for a coffee, the nearest place being a Frankie And Benny's. Neither of us had been into one of these before as we both tend to avoid 'chain' establishments, but were pleasantly surprised, especially by the quality of the peanut butter shake we both ordered - delicious!!

Back home by midday, when the local carnival kicked off, so Sav and I went over for a wander round.

By 2:30pm I was on my way to the farm, which was all quiet as the kids were off with parents and relatives and Jean is still in Dorset with Louise, helping her as she recovers from the Caesarian and gets into the swing of things with new little Alice.

Emma and I were able to have a good chin wag all afternoon, drinking coffee and cleaning tack ready for the show she's off to tomorrow.

Home now, we watched a rerun of the ladies Wimbledon final - my heart was in my mouth even though it wasn't live! Had no idea who'd won and became excited when it looked like Mugurazi might be able to give Serena a run for her money ... Sadly, not in the end.

Tea, cake and TV now.

PS the lovely young lady and little doggy are our neighbours. They won ' Fastest Sausage Eating ' - well, Ellie the dog did! She wolfed it down in one go, beating the two time champion who was hoping to hold his title!

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