The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

A busy day ...

The beginning of the day was much like the end, with mum being slow and confused and tearful.

The CPN tells me that the thinking these days is to 'go along' with what the dementia sufferer says and believes. Really? I have to agree there are several other people in her bed, that she has a lot of jobs that need doing when she's in her bedroom, that the handrail has more power than most people could cope with? Hmmmm ..

Meanwhile I've spent an awful lot of time on Facebook and Twitter today. I'm really concerned about this open vote on Wednesday - the possible repeal of the hunting act. So I've spent the day signing and sharing petitions, emailing MPs - all sorts of stuff.

Could I ask if people would please click…, fill in your name and address, and with one more click you will have magically emailed your own MP, asking him to do the right thing on Wednesday.

Annoyingly the link just won't work. Do a search of the following 
URGENT: Fight to Keep Fox Hunting, Hare Coursing and Stag Hunting With Dogs Illegal
And choose the top hit - which is a Peta page - and hopefully the right one!

I'd be really grateful if you feel you can help - thank you.

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