Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

On Hold

Life is on hold now we have the Euro 2012. John and I have been enjoying
( more or less ) the games so far, should be a real football feast but so far not living up tp the standards we should be seeing , that is apart from tonight's game Ukraine v Sweden , some real classy moves there.

Been busy with a several big projects, finished one today, before and after the tennis then in between the football games. So that's one dusted down. I have another preparing a series of images for a website ( not mine ) so must get that completed by tomorrow night.

Why does everything have to happen at he same time? At least the tennis is finished for the moment. Just in case you think John and I are lazing around watching football all the time , I blipped this shot of John's wonderful Diamond Jubilee pancakes, not really that mis- shapen, just the efect of a software tool,he made these tonight and I had some fun playing around with the blip I took of them. As well as all this I am more than halfway through the back of an Arran Knit jacket which I started on the first night of the football and have been kniting as we watch the games. So no one can accuse us of being couch potatoes.
Hope to manage to add a link to my blipfolio tonight, not succeeded so far.

Asimple blip of the pancakes and a creative fun shot
Didn't work can someone please tell me how to do this? Thank you.

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