My Day, My Life

By SixtySix66

White Rabbit

Those of us, of a certain age grew up with this little rabbit.

Do you know her name?

That's right boys and girls, she's called.....

Miffy. or Nijntje if you're Dutch.

Created by Dutch artist Dick Bruna circa 1955, Miffy is recognised the world over.

In excess of 85,000,000 books sold and countless other Miffy items.

In 2000 Miffys 'dad' came to the Edinburgh Book Festival to celebrate her 45th birthday and yes Mrs blip, My Girl & I were there too!

Technically a children's event, 90% of the sell out audience were adults, all eager to meet Mr Bruna, myself included.

We were all children again, well for 90 minutes at least.

And afterwards he signed everyone's books and posed for photographs.

blip Miffy has been resident in My Girls room since day 1 and 'she's' in no hurry to leave, I'm glad to say :)

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