Exit stage left

By NessD


Blimey, artichokes aren't half a faff to eat. I think I'll stick to artichoke hearts from the deli in future. Oh, and try to remember that, however, desperate I am for a blip at 23:58 trying to take a photo with my iPhone in the darkest corner of a poorly lit living room doesn't really cut the mustard.

Much of the rest of the day seem to disappear in faffing also which is why I'm now working at 2am. Might as well put the altered sleep pattern to good use. I always found essays started to flow around this time so hopefully that will kick in soon.

What else for the record for the last couple of days:

Discovering the ease of returning clothes via internet shopping may not have been wise. 

Brilliant stage of the Tour today. Staggering.

The play K's in is really rather good and I'm only slightly biased. Last minute decision to be in the audience last night and bar help tonight. The worst nightmare for any techie happened last night. Full pre-show checks for all the tech stuff had been run but when they started the run there was no sound. Much fancier tech being used these days with synchronisation of video, lighting and some of the sound effects. All very clever but much more difficult to problem solve when things go wrong, particularly when they'd worked perfectly in the checks. Still it happened at the start of the show and they handled it most professionally. I could just imagine though the chat that was going through the cans while things looked relatively calm to the audience.

Anyway, must stop rambling and get back to my document. I'll pay more attention to paragraph construction there!


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