Squirrel cam

That rain last night was amazing. At one point I looked out over the brightly lit back yard and the entire patio was under an inch of water. The drain hole that carries the rainwater out to the alley was engulfed in a massive, swirling maelstrom. This morning I fully expected the back yard to be swept away. It wasn't. Other than everything being laden with droplets and the air smelling incredibly fresh, one couldn't even tell that it had rained.

I've had some extremely challenging sewing projects in the past but this pergola canopy is right up there in the difficulty sphere: not so much the complexity, but the need for accuracy and sheer volume of fabric that I have to maneuver through the sewing machine. On a day like today where the temps are in the PMP* range for me, it's tough to see why we need a canopy in the first place but when those 90's return, it'll be obvious.

*Pretty Much Perfect: 75, sunny, puffy clouds, fresh breeze.

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