Quicky shot of me as I couldn't think of anything else and Kade has an ear infection and wasn't in the mood to be blipped this morning after having been up half the night. He's ok now and back at school after a visit to the doctor.

Stressfull weekend with Kade being bullied over 2 days from an older girl 'V'. eventually went to her door. At first her Mum was angry saying that Kade had been nipping 'V' and she had nip marks but Kade is scared of her and if Kade had done that to her she would have just battered him. Asked Kade and he denied it but told the Mother I would talk to him about it anyway. Also told her what had been going on over the last few monthe with 'V' and the others and Kade and she said she would talk to her and agreed that 'V' was way to old to be hitting Kade... Let's see what happens this time!

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