
I've just turned 27 years old and I can pretty much count the number of books I've ever read in full, with no pictures or pop up sections, on two hands and one foot. That includes reading Michael Atherton's autobiography 6 times as well..

However I did very much enjoy this book and is currently in the news at the moment as Harper Lee's follow up to Kill A Mockingbird is just about to be released. Very investing but sad at the same time re slavery in the U.S. I studied it for my GCSE English language and achieved a well earn't 'B' (to be honest I think that equates to a A** in today's grading system...).

In other news I spent the afternoon with a well known TV presenter but as its confidential I can't say his name. Very interesting chap. Bet he didn't get a B in English language in 1995

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