Seven Swans

David Annand, our famous Scottish Sculptor, has three sculptures in Montrose  -  the main sculpture, showing seven white bronze swans in flight on the Station Roundabout, is called ‘Tribute to Violet Jacob’ and may draw its inspiration from her story ‘The Fifty-Eight Wild Swans’. I was reminded of him by welshmaid 's blip HERE!  It was very difficult to capture because the Swans are in the middle of a very busy roundabout, so I took them from different viewpoints and the collage is the pick of the bunch. The wall that surrounds the roundabout is curved to symbolise seawaves. Unfortunately you can't see the swans very well because the wall is too high  -  I had to hold the camera up above my head!   Also the ground is covered by bushes that can grow quite high. Lack of planning to my mind, and I doubt whether the sculptor was responsible for that.  It was a relief when I decided I'd done enough and this Seagull - see my Extra - landed and stood on one leg just in front of my windscreen. I think he's gorgeous:-)

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