
Well, missing some entries but the computer says I've done 1095! What to do? 

I thought ants but the ones in the garden weren't going to play ball so, after preparing a seeded tile and grabbing some Feverfew, the dogs and I headed for the woods.  

This hasn't turned out quite as I wanted it but trying to focus with a significant swarm of ants attacking isn't easy!  

Wood ants  are the largest ants in the UK and can make enormous nests.  You can see the nest in my second photo, which I took whilst making a hasty retreat.  Over three feet tall, the entire surface and surrounding woodland is a seething mass of busy ants. When I pushed the flowers in and dropped the tile, thousands of ants presented their backsides , spraying formic acid. It doesn't smell pleasant.

Back home and somewhat bitten,  I've found a few ants still gripping, thankfully,  onto my clothing rather than my skin.  

The things we do for Blip!  

Thank you all, for hanging around, even though this has been a very busy time for me and I have all but given up commenting.  Service will be resumed shortly! 

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