
By Humbear

Lost and found

I was looking for some stamps, and thought they might be in my travel wallet where I also keep my passport. I looked in the drawer where I usually keep it, and it was not there. I searched everywhere, but it was nowhere to be found. Then I tried to remember when I had last seen it, and it was 2 weeks ago when we flew from Amsterdam to Iceland, I had to show it with my boarding pass as identification at the gate to the plane. I thought I had put it in my bag after that, but it obviously got lost somewhere. I asked M to phone IcelandAir's Lost and Found, and lo an behold, they had the folder with everything inside, I just had to fetch it at the airport. There was no money in it, only some locks and keys and a nice Parker pen, and of course, my precious passport. Since there is no South African consulate here in Iceland, I shuddered to think to what lengths I would have had to go to get a new passport, and how long it would have taken. But fortunately it was not necessary!

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