Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

i-eye Day 42: - 1WTC

Today has been a perfectly clear day, hot but not Washington DC furnace hot, and ideal for our visit to the observation deck on the new 1 World Trade Centre.

First we went to the 9/11 museum. I will put a picture of one of the memorial pools in extras, and also what was for me a very simple but moving tribute in the museum. Each square is a representation of the colour of the sky on September 11th. The museum is excellent, thorough, well thought out, and overall it struck a balance between respectfulness and the idea of moving on, rebirth. It was emotionally quite draining but well worth the visit.

Then we went up 1 WTC. I knew a little about the big reveal but I won't spoil it for anyone else who is planning to go - I would recommend it, the views are almost unreal, hard to comprehend.

And just to complete the day of unashamed touristyness, we took the Staten Island Ferry for some views back towards Manhattan.

Last night we ended up at the Top of the Rock, so we have promised ourselves a more restful evening - dinner, shopping and some photos on Times Square ( now I have discovered the night portrait setting on my camera!).

Oh, and I need to throw out all my clothes so I can take back the mountains of Hershey's. They won't fit me anyway once I eat it all.

I am finding it hard to keep to the iPhone shots!

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