
By Harri8

Meet John, prolific cinematographer and my Father's first cousin.
We met up this morning to discuss set up for my exhibition on Friday as he has extremely kindly agreed to help me.
But here, he is telling me about his ordeal two weeks ago when he went into A&E with an aggravating splinter. He took along a book and assumed he'd emerge, blinking like a mole, within a couple of hours. But no, 90 minutes later he was being prepped for general anesthetic and theatre, and was not released for three days! The teeny weeny splinter had apparently caused a massive infection. His stitches come out on Thurs and he is resolute on still helping me. What a star.

Not the best picture; he does not enjoy having his photo taken - must run in the family (apart from my sister, and younger niece).

Uh ... went to add an appointment to my phone diary; when the calendar came up, it was on March 2060?????

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