
Birthday cakes made by Becky and Emily first thing this morning before we set off for London and Em went off to the NT.
On the news this morning was Chester councils decision to fine people sleeping rough a £1000.I suspect that if they had a spare £1000 in their arse pocket they would chose to spend the night in a five star hotel with a full English breakfast.I wonder how stupid these people are and would suggest that we lower their fat tax payer funded saleries and use that money to help the homeless and not fine them.
As regular readers of my blip will know I am not one to rant.However a child psychologist talking this morning about the pressure and stress children are under today.I wonder who believes this psycho babble drivel.Our universities turn out a lot of these people and I think the world would probably be a better place without them.Life is all about challenges, striving and pressure without them it wouldn't be worth living and would be some sort of hippy hell. 
If you have made it to the end of this blip very well done.

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