the edges of my life

By raej

The supermarket frisk

Big C shopping tonight - in other words visit to hell. To make it worse it's rice harvest time so the air is thick with smoke as all the excess rice straw is burnt.
As soon as you enter the centre you're assaulted by the Big C jingle played over and over - to enter you have to get your obviously very old and battered Big C shopping bags stamped by security so the cashier knows you havnt stolen them (until recently they made us seal them in plastic bags.... Go figure). The mission then is to get in and out quickly before you go totally insane from the jingles, the lime green decor, the stares of other customers, pointing at you - exclaiming and giggling - poking you and rifling through your trolley contents. Then you finally hit the queue and spend the next 10 minutes trying to stop other customers pushing in front of you. The poor check out girl does her thing, you pay and then you have to stop and show your receipt to the security guard who then goes through your shopping to make sure you havnt stolen anything. Often it's prolonged for us Tays (foreigners) as they simply want a good gander at what we buy.....this guy tonight rearrangd my bags 3 times before he was satisfied. I will never complain about western supermarkets again (tho I will always hate the weekly shop)
Tomorrow no matter how bloody hot it is I have to make the trek up the valley to see the bears.......

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