Not red

Today we took my in-laws to Portsmouth. It was predicted to be a nice day and we have free train tickets so it was a cheap and low stress day out.

When we arrived we bought provisions for a picnic and then set out on the Millennium Trail along the historic waterfront. It wasn't very well advertised, but it was a very interesting walk, and gives good views of the estuary and the things built along the shore line.

Today's blip is the city's iconic Spinnaker tower, which has not been painted Southampton Red, but now has some Portsmouth Blue at the base instead. Personally I liked it best in all over white, now it's partially coloured it looks shorter, and not being white means it won't take on the colours that it is illuminated with at night as well.

We found a nice space for a picnic beyond the hoverport and then ambled back via Gun Wharf Quays. I must confess to not being impressed, lots of overpriced foreign brands, selling low quality tat made in sweatshops, at grossly inflated prices and fake discounts... Me grumpy? never!

Anyhow it's pizza for dinner and more of the very silly but quite enjoyable Cordon on BBC4 tonight.

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