Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk


My plan was to blip something yesterday but I got caught in all the unpacking, putting together an IKEA cabinet with almost no instructions, washing all of the porcelain and glasses I unpacked, putting things in boxes - like all of my darkroom stuff, and more... So, I didn't want to take a picture just because. Today's been much the same. It's really cleansing to sort through stuff that's been in boxes or baskets for a long time, throwing some away and putting some things in boxes again. I feel like I'm on top of things now. Well, almost anyway... :)

Enjoying a cup of tea now in an old cup that's been at my mothers. But before this I went to do some shopping. I had to get new milk because the milk I had was doing funny stuff when it came in contact with the tea. Not so much fun to drink though, so off to the store in the rain, with an umbrella this time. As soon as I stepped out from my apartment I saw this amazing rainbow and begun to take photos of it as I closed in on the store, because rainbows can disappear very quickly and I didn't want to miss it. Actually there are two rainbows; if you look closely you'll se the second one above the brightest one. The sun was shining and the rain was poring down, and in the middle of this those beautiful rainbows. That kind of made my day!
A little bit of magic. :)

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