
By Lenore

HAC Ball

Back in the day, the HAC ball was a six monthly highlight, outfit planned weeks in advance and these days I can't quite believe the money spent on ball dresses, however, when it came to the big eBay event of the Dudman packing, there was no way any of them were going to be sold.  They are in a trunk in the ISO container, probably never to be worn again, but have huge sentimental value. 

This year's ball, no-way were we going, despite the summer ball being particularly special as it was at the very same event two years ago that, at about 5am, we realised things were never going to be the same again.  All good relationships must start with too much alcohol and a late night, surely.   However, sensabilty, finances, tiredness and moving out the following day, meant we'd watch this ball from the flat, conveniently positioned within the HAC grounds.  

We had lots of visitors, bring champagne and general cheer to our slightly miserable flat, given that everything should have been packed and wasn't and we took great delight in watching the fireworks - as did little Alex, although hearing precautions needed as we were by far the closest spectators as our flat was well in front of the general audience - lucky us! 

Completely spectacular - probably all the better for happening on our door step and a lovely evening all round.  

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