A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

More celebrations

Part 2 of the celebrations started at Tuesday's birthday lunch for my friend (and lurker).

After the distress and the subsequent disturbed night J wasn't up to attending but they live close by so Carl and I did a split-shift party attendance with a neat taxi drop off / take back dance performed to perfection. He did the early stint and I did the late (late) one.

Much earlier there had been visitors who not only turned up clutching a bottle of prosecco but proceeded to cook us a splendid smoked salmon and scrambled egg brunch to go with it.

And earlier still there had been a park outing with the dog that J mostly made and he did some playing with the visiting kids and Albi in the garden so not a total write-off.

Anna managed to invite herself off to the cinema with the visitors so left with them to go and watch Ant Man and keep everyone entertained with riddles which seem to be her current thing.

And for no other reason than convenience I shall use this space to note the realisation that J only has two drinks (water or banana and strawberry smoothie). We were speculating when a third might appear and what it might be. My money is on beer. And possibly 16. The topic was inspired by me starting to read The Rosie Effect which is so far proving every bit as enjoyable as The Rosie Project.

Lesley x

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