
After the entertainment of Poppy's party we played at a wedding last night. It was brilliant although we (I) might have made the odd cock up. 
When we got there we told the bar staff that we were playing a short acoustic set at 7:30 for the first dance and then going back on when the guests had been drinking for a while. 'haha'said the barfolks 'the were on shots at 4pm!).

The acoustic set went down really well, in an uncharacteristically cheesy  move we played 'Angels', they loved it.  Then we hit them with the main set, we had trimmed it a little but they danced, like only wedding guests can, from the first note. Great people. We played pretty well it was certainly a load of fun. Hard work though.

A load of folks came over this morning for a Hendstock rehearsal. All I can say is if you can come then you should as you are in for an utterly unforgettable treat. Then Poppy and I went out for a bike ride. 

Ali and James popped over for a coffee and a catchup which was great, and then another bike ride! This time we went miles. Poppy really has mastered her bike, I love watching her zoom along, masses of hair flying behind her, best girl ever.

After some chainsawing, a fire and some weeding we went over to the pavilion for the annual cricket presentation. Alf did not win a special prize but he got some fantastic comments and one of the best cheers of the night. I then took some shots of the under 12's. Here they are looking sensible (there are others ;)). A brilliant team it has been great to support them this year.

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