My life, my lens

By JennyRampling

Staff conference

It was our annual staff conference at work and it's always a great day. I had been asked to take part in a 'question time' style panel with the Deputy Vice Chancellor and three other managers. We took questions from staff on a range of issues and gave our views. It was really fun to do if not a little nerve-racking as we had a couple of hundred staff in the lecture theatre. 

After that we took part in a range of workshops. I did pastry making and got to ice cupcakes and then made a scarecrow with the gardening team. We then had the staff awards and I had been short-listed for the Directorate Award for Excellence in Leadership and Management and my team were short-listed for the Trustee Award for Outstanding Team. Unfortunately we didn't win either but it was great to have been nominated and be in the top three. 

After a lovely BBQ lunch we all took part in university-wide team building activity. This meant doing all kinds of crazy challenges in groups which was very funny. My team came third in this and were presented with medals followed by a drinks reception. I think we are lucky to have such a great day put on for everyone but I was shattered when I got home! 

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