
By Instography


Ordinarily sleeping until after 11 would count as a good start to the day but there was much to be done (not enough set an alarm or anything, mind). Beer to be bottled. Screwfix to be visited and other things.

But all that was put aside for a bit as the Moores came bearing hops (Amarillo) so there was tea and bacon sandwiches. And then to Screwfix where I screwed up by forgetting my credit card pin so couldn't collect the goods that had already been paid for so had to come home, get the pin from the website (which I could have done in the shop if I'd taken my phone) and go back later.

The beer bottling went fine though. 60 litres - a light summer ale - half dry-hopped with Styrian Goldings and the other half with Columbus. The Columbus one has much more hoppy aroma, which is nice although Goldings one is eminently quaffable.

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