The Chaos Bros

By vik

Olympic Fever

The Bros school was competing along with seven other schools in an inter primary Olympics at the local high school's sports field today. Bro4 and I went along to cheer them on and encountered the well known Scottish climate of all seasons in one day. From competing in shorts and tshirts in the early events to doning tracksuit bottoms and waterproofs for the relays, 8 x 100m, hilarious! P1-3, then P4&5 then P6&7, by the time it got to P6&7 the clouds had parted and the sun was warm.

After school we headed back to Cupar to watch the Olympic Torch Relay before heading to swimming lessons. I could have/should have blipped the torch but little Bro3 running through the rain for his part of the relay won me over.

Bri blipped the torch.

Then back home after Bros2&3's swimming lessons to throw the boys at husband while I headed back to Cupar for merely the 3rd time today to attend an information meeting at Bro1's high school. He is going there for the next 2 days to have a trial run of what life will be like after summer. The first hurdle will be walking along to the village to get the school bus by 8:15am!

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