
By witchcreations


I had my little celebration/adoption leave party at work today... 

I pottered in, met up with my mate Yvonne and her beautiful daughter and then meandered around the photography exhibition like a visitor, before gathering with my colleagues for a celebration party...

I'm really lucky because for the last 10 years, I've been able to go to work with my friends... and whilst at times the work, the politics and the projects have nearly sent me doolally ... the support, the banter, and the laughs with my friends has always been there... so we've had cake, a couple of drinks  and a giggle  this evening.  Little un has been spoilt with a fabulous stash of swag, and I've been left a bit emotional from the generosity and kind words of everyone... drinking my tea and looking through the cards and photos from today has really helped all this change to sink in and become real, which has resulted in a couple of big sploshy raindrop tears... however having Dave home again and the thought of meeting little un this week is the big ole rainbow that makes it all worthwhile and it's all the more colourful because of the droplets.

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