Tee Time Travel

We had a bit of an Alice In Wonderland moment when we arrived on the 7th tee this morning and read this notice, which seemed to suggest that we should have been on this tee at the same time as we started on the first, having played 6 holes in, literally, no time at all.

Now we have been known to be a bit wayward on the first hole but even we couldn't have hit our balls the 600 plus yards to the right, as the errant tee shot flies, to reach the 7th tee.

All was explained when we realised that this clock was set an hour earlier than the correct time. We'd teed off just before 8 and should have been here when this clock read just before 8 if we were playing at an acceptable pace so in fact we were about 15 minutes ahead of ourselves.

Clear as mud! Why they just don't put up notices saying "Get a move on!" I don't know.

Anyway, playing quicker than the normal pace didn't seem to do either of our games any good.

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