
By Angelique


And it was huge.  Because it has been windy today, it whipped up the surf and the waves were huge.  Spoke to some of the surfers as they came off the beach on their way 'home' and they all expressed exhaustion.

The other photo is some of the fun on the beach.  Crantock is good for all us dog owners but sadly there are still some who spoil it for the rest of us.

We have enjoyed another busy day, gardening, stain glass work etc.  But for us we have enjoyed a day together, something we are getting used to after so many years spent apart.

Thank you for the comments on yesterdays 'driftwood'.  It had moved on the beach today, presumably by the tide!!

Cant believe it's Wednesday already tomorrow, half way through another week.  Doesn't time fly when you're retired!!!!  Love to you  special people xxxx

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