The Green Grass of Home

By aCaseiro

Pittenweem - Scotland

Today we went along the coast.... 
In the morning we left home towards Tentsmuir and we came back along the coast... Anstruther, Pittenweem, St. Monance, Elie... and then we almost runed out of gas... so after Elie the main concern was to find a gas station, special after we found out the one at Leven was closed...

Today I was repeating to self  a sentence (or advice) I got from a friend... 
When you are composing a picture.... first choose what you DON'T want to include in the picture... 
Pittenweem was full of parked cars...(and we added another one to the mess). If you love photography you have to hate cars... cars are a plague. A car in my way it's reason enough for me to put the camera down...
That beautiful building was having a line of cars parked in front... I almost quitted to go closer because I spotted the cars from a distance and I was thinking it was useless to go closer.. but Jim insisted...

After a few rounds around I managed to hide the cars behind that pile of cages and ropes... So Jim was right to insist... 
In fact I think I got here a lovely composition with the inverted triangle formed by the buildings and the pile ...and the nets doing a diagonal towards the bottom rights corner.... 
Well, blowing my trumpet maybe... 
Jim says I'm never happy and satisfied with any picture...
This time I am.

Extra picture... same location

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