It is a beautiful life-

By domo

One is one

I have 75 new sisters - All of whom I could go to at any time and I know they would be there to listen to me and to help me out in anyway.
I also haven't felt this lonely in such a long time.
I love being around and hanging out with everyone in my life. This includes my roomies, my neighbors and people that I randomly meet when going out. I just enjoy being around people.
What I miss though is having people around who know ME. Not just the funny, talks too much, stares at people awkward me - but the me that people don't get to see very often. The me that people from camp and people from home know.

This is the first time I've been really sad up here at school.
I want people here to love me and know the not so great side of me like people who are far far away from me do (and Su).

One is one and all alone, and ever more shall be it so

I got these flowers from my pearl pal who ended up being my grand big JMoore.
I love the flowers and I love my grand big.

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